Thursday, June 16, 2011


Well we have been thinking of moving....and so I have been cleaning closets and cabinets and the school room...and along with all of the closet cleaning comes the dreaming of our new home. The best part is that I love moving...I know...crazy! God certainly knew what he was doing when he matched me up to a builder....

Here are a few things I have been thinking and dreaming about of late.....

A great front porch....I love walking up to a house and seeing a beautiful front porch...I like flowers and greenery and comfy chairs....don't these chairs just call out to you?

I just love this hallway mirror and organizer from the Pottery Barn....I really hope to incorporate this into the family entry (sounds much better than mudroom....) and while I am dreaming...I would love to place this on a stone wall...that has a matching wood ceiling....kind of like this (a little different stone...but you get the idea)

Those are a few of the ideas I have so far...

If you could modify your home in any way....what would you do?

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