5. lets just say that my table was full of some of the most amazing children tonight for supper.....can anyone say 10 kids and counting???? I think my house might need a little tender loving care...but I will save that till morning....fly lady would not be impressed with my sink tonight!
4. I want to make my front porch look AMAZING....I love the tips ....from this inspiring article!

3. I want to make peanut butter cookies....or maybe Tres Leche cake.....or .....can you tell that I might just have started to work on 'watching' what I am eating....still have to work on the 'thinking what I want to eat thing though!'
2. I want to spend at least an hour reading on the couch with my precious little ones....we are in the middle of Kidnapped....by Robert Louis Stevenson....
1. Okay...this shouldn't make it to number one....but since this morning I had to go get blood work done..(normal routine stuff) and I had to fast for 14 hours....nothing to eat...and nothing to drink! in the morning I am planning on making myself a big ol steaming cup of strong English tea.....a little cream (still working on that part) and a little sugar....I want to curl up on my reclining chair in front of the fireplace and have a little quiet time....
So there you have it....a blog post...before midnight...happy sleeping!
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