Wednesday, June 22, 2011

One Thousand Gifts

"I like finding you just like this." He wraps one arm around my bowed middle, draws me close and up into him strong. "Crazy like this?" I blush silliness, and he brushes close with the four-day stubble. He laughs. "Perfect like this." He nods toward the cheese plate. "You being happy in all these little things that God gives. It makes me very happy." (excerpt pg.56, One Thousand Gifts) I am taken in as I read these words. I too have experienced the small upturned smile of my husband as I rattle on and on about the intricacies of my home making experience. My husband feels joyful and at peace knowing that I too am happy and enjoying the life we have made together-how too must our Heavenly Father love watching His children giving thanks and truly joyful in the midst of day to day life. Sometimes the days are unbearably hard as author and wordsmith Ann Voskamp describes through this poignant telling of her story. Her story is told only to bring glory to Him. It is a story of hope and triumph and through her words one is drawn closer in to the presence of our Lord. The counting of gifts....the numbering of thanksgiving is the practice of joy and of giving thanks in everything. Zondervan publishers has given me a copy of this book for purpose of review. I am under no obligation to give a positive review but I am pleased to be able to recommend this book whole heartedly to all. Thank you Ann for teaching us to count our blessings, one by one.

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